MT Secretary of State, Christi Jacobsen, Is Corrected by MT Courts, Over and Over Again

Montana’s current Secretarty of State, Christi Jacobsen, who is running as a Republican for re-election in 2024, is corrected by Montana Courts, over and over again.  She continues to make decisions that are unconstititional or incompetent, or both.

Below are links to some examples of her abusive partisan political activism in a job where she should be acting as the guardian of the integrity of Montana’s elections and business records:

Democratic Party v. Jacobsen

Supreme Court orders Jacobsen to send abortion ballot petition to group

Jacobsen sends group ballot petition to start collecting signatures for abortion initiative

Secretary of State appeals rulings that struck down new election laws

Democrats file complaint against Jacobsen

Jacobsen announces re-election bid for top election office

Lawsuit claims Secretary of State’s Office knowingly profited $120k off duplicate charges

Montana Commissioner of Political Practices denies Secretary of State’s campaign complaints

Secretary of State meddled in elections position selection

A Record of Fiscal Waste and Political Abuse

If you need more examples, there are plenty.  Just google “Christi Jacobsen controversy” or “Christi Jacobsen politcal hack.” Montana can do better.