Abu Ghraib Torture Trial of Buyer of Tim Sheehy’s Company

Preparation for the jury trial of the purchaser of Ascent Vision Technologies LLC is proceeding on schedule. As we warned in an earlier post, the trial of the military contractor, CACI, (whose local office is located in Belgrade) is scheduled to begin on April 15, 2024, in the middle of Sheehy’s campaign to take the job of Montana’s senior Senator Jon Tester.  CACI supplied civilian interrogators at the now infamous Abu Ghraib prison during the invasion and occupation of Iraq by the US.

Relying on the same strategy the Trump uses, CACI lawyers have been trying to avoid or delay, delay, delay a jury trial since the original case was filed in 2008.  For your scrolling pleasure, here is a listing (available on Pacer.uscourts.gov for Case #: 1:08-cv-00827-LMB-JFA)  of those efforts since the District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema ordered (on October 2, 2023) that a trial occur.

Plaintiff’s lead attorneys:

Baher Azmy
Center for Constitutional Rights
666 Broadway
7th Floor
New York, NY 10012
212-614-6499 (fax)

Mohammed M. Alomari
Azimuth Legal Services PLLC
24300 Southfield Road
Suite 210
Southfield, MI 48075
248-864-8554 (fax)

Iraq: Torture Survivors Await US Redress, Accountability